Privacy Policy

Zesfy (“Zesfy”, “we”, “us”) deeply cares about protecting the privacy of your information. As part of us staying true with this commitment, we institute a policy to not track, store, or share any personally identifiable information. All the app data, content & setting are stored locally on the device.

But, in order to bring the best user experience for our users, we do use some of the anonymized data to improve performance and quality of our apps. This is a brief explanation what the service we use and how your data might be used:

Apple App Analytics. This service gathers anonymized data that helps informs us about crash reports and uninstall. If you give Apple permission to share this data with developer, we will have access to it so we can further improve the app.

Change to Our Policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review to reflect changes in our practices and services. This privacy policy was last updated on 30 April 2024.

How to Contact Us

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about our services you may reach us at